By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Study the Fine Print
Once you get estimates from moving companies in Killeen, be sure and read the particulars. You must have a good knowledge of what's included in each quote to help you be certain that you're comparing apples-to-apples. In the event that there is something that you simply don’t understand, do not be afraid to ask questions. If you think that something is lacking within the quote, it’s better to bring that to the moving company’s attention now than be shocked in the future with an additional expense.
· If you have got substantial or bulky items which may need special handling, such as a snowmobile, jacuzzi or grand piano, you’ll want to bring that to the professional mover’s attention to ensure that any additional charges can be included in your estimate.
· Likewise, bear in mind that some items, including gas appliances and front-loading washers, may require a third-party service to unhook the item at your origin location and prepare it for shipping and then hook it back up at your new home.
· If there exists limited clearance on your street making the moving truck too large to fit, the moving company in Killeen may have to shuttle your furnishings to the moving van using a smaller truck. There is typically an additional expense for this service, therefore it is crucial that you talk about it when you are getting your estimates.
· You will likely have a lot of cartons to take care of after unpacking, so verify to determine if an empty box pick up is incorporated in the estimate or if it is going to be an extra cost.
Road Tripping to the New Home
Should you be relocating a long distance that requires a road trip to get to your new home, you’ll need to factor in travel costs. Be certain to not only budget for a hotel room, but in addition factor in things such as meals, tolls, gasoline and emergency situations which may pop up while you are traveling.
Damage Control
You know that considerable dent that you put in the wall when moving your dining room table and also the scrapes you have made on the hardwood floor when you scooted the entertainment center across it? Well, the incoming family or property manager will perform a final walkthrough and may ask for payment for those damages to pay for the price of the repairs. In the event that you're a renter, this will likely be in the form of not getting your security deposit back.
Change of Plans
At times life happens and your best made plans falter. In the event that the contracts for the closing of your new home gets delayed or even the improvements that you had planned to finish prior to move in day go off track, you might need storage for your things. Tell your moving company in Killeen as quickly as possible concerning the delay and discuss options with them. In case the delivery only will have to be pushed out a short time, your stuff could possibly be stored on the trailer they're presently packed on. But, if it will be an extended time period before you will be ready to accept delivery, your things will probably have to go into storage at a local warehouse. Keep in mind that the longer your belongings are kept in storage, the bigger the additional charge will be.
The Bottom Line
Sure, relocating to a new house might be a challenge. Certainly, unforeseen expenditures surface. But, if you do your research ahead of time and budget accordingly, you’ll be a step ahead if something unanticipated happens.
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